This study has two objectives, namely to describe the forms of Minangkabau language interference to Indonesian language used on Instagram and to explain the factors that influence it. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach. The data are obtained using the observational method with non-participant technique (SBLC) and note-taking technique. In analyzing the data, two methods are used, namely the matching method and the split method. In this study, interference forms in the field of phonology are found, namely changes in vowel phonemes such as ikur and lepar, as well as changes in consonant phonemes such as cilap and lacit. Interference forms in the field of lexical are found, such as terbolok and mangain. Interference forms in the field of grammatical are divided into interference in the field of morphology, namely affixation such as bebaleh and tegigik and then compounding such as besibanak besipakak and also interference in the field of syntactic, namely phatic such as do. All words that experience the interference are caused by factors that underlie it such as the bilingual factors of the speech participants, a lack of pride in using Indonesian language, being carried away by the habits of the Minangkabau language, and insufficient Indonesian language vocabulary in the face of progress and renewal.
Interference, Minangkabau language, Indonesian language, Instagram
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