Adaptasi Project Based Learning dalam Mata Kuliah Kajian Drama Saat Pandemi: Membangun Interkoneksi dengan Komunitas

Rosida Erowati, Elve Oktaviani, Aprilia Pitaloka, Ellen Febrine, Syihaabul Hudaa


The Covid-19 pandemic has changed the way humans learn and work. After a year of adjustment, both lecturers and students are learning different ways to adapt to this situation. The isolation and loneliness felt when the pandemic began needs to be taken into consideration for the adaptation process. During the pandemic, Project Based Learning (PBL) Drama Studies in higher education needs to be adjusted, with a new normal. Therefore, this article aims to describe 1) the adaptation of PBL in drama courses during the pandemic, 2) students' perceptions of the PBL adaptation, and 3) factors that influence PBL adaptation during the pandemic. The research was organized descriptively, with qualitative methods. Data were obtained through lecture observations, questionnaires, short essays, and interviews. The results showed that the adaptation of PBL Drama Studies in the Indonesian Language and Literature Education Study Program, and Indonesian Language and Literature, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta is a productive response to the ongoing pandemic situation. In this adaptation process, the syllabus development carried out by the lecturers of each study program still uses the PBL approach, with a different project orientation. In both study programs, this adaptation was responded positively by students. The grades they achieved ranged between Good and Very Good. Meanwhile, their response to the selection and implementation of PBL in Drama Studies showed positive results. This course adaptation also helped students master drama concepts and practices, as well as improve academic and social competencies. Mixed responses (positive-negative) were also obtained on the aspect of adaptation, which helped them build communication with the community / other drama / theater arts actors. Factors that encourage the adaptation process of PBL Drama Studies are mainly related to the policies of each lecturer to respond to the pandemic and PSBB situation, the enforcement of health protocols, students' efforts to overcome boredom due to being cooped up at home during PSBB, and the economic resilience of students' families.



Pandemi Covid-19 telah mengubah cara manusia belajar dan bekerja. Setelah satu tahun mengalami proses penyesuaian, baik dosen maupun mahasiswa mempelajari beragam cara untuk beradaptasi dengan situasi ini. Keterasingan dan kesepian yang dirasakan ketika pandemi dimulai perlu menjadi pertimbangan bagi proses adaptasi. Pada masa pandemi, Project Based Learning (PBL) Kajian Drama di perguruan tinggi perlu disesuaikan, dengan situasi kenormalan baru. Oleh karena itu, artikel ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan 1) adaptasi PBL dalam mata kuliah Kajian Drama di masa pandemi, 2) persepsi mahasiswa terhadap adaptasi PBL tersebut, dan 3) faktor-faktor yang memengaruhi adaptasi PBL di masa pandemi. Penelitian disusun secara deskriptif, dengan metode kualitatif. Data diperoleh melalui observasi perkuliahan, kuesioner, esai pendek, serta wawancara. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa adaptasi PBL Kajian Drama di Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, serta Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia, UIN Syarif Hidayatullah Jakarta merupakan respon produktif terhadap situasi pandemi yang masih terus berlangsung. Dalam proses adaptasi ini, pengembangan silabus yang dilakukan oleh dosen masing-masing program studi tetap menggunakan pendekatan PBL, dengan orientasi proyek yang berbeda. Di kedua program studi, adaptasi ini ditanggapi secara positif oleh para mahasiswa. Nilai yang mereka capai berkisar antara Baik dan Sangat Baik. Sedangkan respon mereka terhadap pemilihan dan pelaksanaan PBL Drama menunjukkan hasil yang positif. Adaptasi perkuliahan ini pun membantu mahasiswa menguasai konsep dan praktik drama, serta meningkatkan kompetensi akademik dan sosial. Respon campuran (positif-negatif) pun didapatkan pada aspek adaptasi, yang membantu mereka membangun komunikasi dengan komunitas masyarakat/pelaku seni drama/teater lainnya. Faktor-faktor yang mendorong proses adaptasi PBL drama ini khususnya terkait dengan kebijakan masing-masing dosen untuk menanggapi situasi pandemi dan PSBB, penegakan protokol kesehatan, upaya mahasiswa mengatasi kebosanan akibat terkurung di rumah di masa PSBB, dan ketahanan ekonomi keluarga mahasiswa.


adaptation; community; drama; pandemic; project based learning


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