Tuturan Bermakna Budaya sebagai Pembelajaran Kearifan Lokal Masyarakat Banjar: Studi Etnopedagogi

Rissari Yayuk, Derri Riss Riana, Jahdiah Jahdiah, Eka Suryatin, Dede Hidayatullah


This study discusses the form of Banjarese speech which contains a lexicon of local culture and local wisdom that can be taught behind the speech of cultural meaning. The purpose of the study is to describe the form of Banjarese speech which contains a lexicon of local culture and the form of local wisdom that can be taught behind the speech of cultural meaning. This study uses qualitative descriptive method with an ethnopedagogic approach. The research techniques are observation, documentation, and interviews. Data collection techniques are listening, recording, and getting involved in the research. The research steps are observation, data collection, data selection, presentation, analysis, and conclusions. The data source, speech that contains a lexicon with cultural meaning in the Banjar community, in Banjarmasin City, Banjar Regency, and Hulu Sungai Selatan. Data collection is from March 2021 to April 2022. Data validity is through triangulation of sources, theories, and methods. The study results that Banjarese speech that contains a lexicon of local cultural meanings include supporting parts for housing, livelihoods, literary arts, language, daily activities, and activities supporting equipment. The forms of local wisdom that can be taught behind these cultural speeches include creative, economic independence, politeness, entertainment and educative, health, hygiene, and adaptive. This finding shows that daily speech can be a source of learning local wisdom with cultural value for the Banjar community and others, both formal and non-formal, one of which is for local content material for students.



Penelitian ini membahas tentang wujud tuturan berbahasa Banjar yang memuat leksikon bermakna budaya lokal dan wujud kearifan lokal yang dapat diajarkan di balik  tuturan bermakna budaya tersebut. Tujuan penelitian yaitu mendeskripsikan wujud tuturan lisan berbahasa Banjar yang memuat leksikon  bermakna budaya lokal dan wujud kearifan lokal yang dapat diajarkan di balik tuturan bermakna budaya tersebut. Metode deskriptif kualitatif dengan pendekatan etnopedagogi. Teknik penelitian observasi, dokumentasi, dan wawancara. Teknik pengambilan data, antara lain simak, catat, dan libat. Langkah penelitian yang dilakukan, yaitu observasi, pengambilan data, pemilihan data, penyajian, analisis, dan simpulan. Sumber data, tuturan yang memuat leksikon bermakna budaya pada masyarakat Banjar, di Kota Banjarmasin, Kabupaten Banjar, dan Hulu Sungai Selatan. Waktu pengambilan data mulai dari bulan Maret 2021 sampai dengan April 2022. Validitas data melalui triangulasi sumber, teori, dan metode. Hasil penelitian, yaitu tuturan berbahasa Banjar yang memuat leksikon bermakna budaya lokal meliputi bagian pendukung tempat tinggal, mata pencaharian, seni sastra, bahasa, aktivitas keseharian, dan peralatan pendukung aktivitas. Adapun wujud kearifan lokal yang dapat diajarkan di balik tuturan bermakna budaya tersebut meliputi kreatif, mandiri ekonomi, kesantunan, hiburan, dan edukasi kesehatan, kebersihan, dan adaptif. Temuan ini menunjukkan bahwa tuturan sehari-hari dapat menjadi sumber pembelajaran kearifan lokal bernilai budaya bagi masyarakat Banjar dan lainnya, baik formal maupun nonformal, salah satunya untuk materi muatan lokal bagi anak didik.


speech; culture; local wisdom; Banjar


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DOI: https://doi.org/10.26499/rnh.v11i2.5196


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