NFN Basori


Many researchers have discussed cohesion. However, they do not relate the cohesion with reader's understanding. This paper aims to identify the types of cohesion markers, semantic behaviors, and functions as an integrator of poetry. Poetry is chosen as the object of study because poetry requires density of language. Assuming that language density has given greater role of cohesion markers in poetry. The data are Taufik Ismail’s poems.The selection of the data is based on assumption that Taufik Ismail poetry can represent poetry genre in general. Analysis result shows that there are cohesion marker types used in poetry which are different from types of cohesion in other discourse. The differences lie in dominance of relation conjunction, repetition, antonymy, and collocation. Cohesion marker behavioral so indicates differences. There is conjunction contradiction in the form of semantic gap that is not found in other discourse types. Semantic gap, conflict of situations, repetition, antonymy and collocationare some instruments to strengthen poetic effect of a poem. The five forms are used by the poet to strengthen irony in the poem. These instruments probably are not important in other discourse types.



cohesion markers; semantics; function; irony; poem

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