This study aims to describe the types of expressive speech acts contained in the Instagram caption @lambeturah_official. The subject of this study is the admin of the @lambeturah_official Instagram account. The objects of this study is all expressive speech in the caption of the @lambeturah_official Instagram account. This is a descriptive qualitative study. Data collection techniques is by using listening and note-taking techniques. The theory used in this research, namely Searle's theory in Manaf (2011:212)which classifies speech acts into five types, namely representative, directive, expressive, commissive, and declarative speech acts. Chaer (2010:83) further explains that there are three speech acts in the study of pragmatics, namely locutionary, illocutionary, and perlocutionary speech acts. The results show that there are 21 data on the form of expressive speech acts in the caption of the @lambeturah_official Instagram account. Expressive speech 2 data of speech acts of praise. Expressive speech 1 speech act data say thank you. Expressive speech 3 data of speech acts of hope. Expressive speech 3 data of contradictory speech acts. Expressive speech 2 speech act data apologizing. Expressive speech 7 speech act data expressing condolences. Expressive speech 3 speech act data say congratulations.
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