E. Aminudin Aziz


So far, the usefulness of linguistics has not been felt directly, unlike the usefulness of other sciences, engineering, or medicine. However, in line with the increasing complexity of the problems faced by society, it turns out that there is a growing demand to involve the results of studies in linguistics. One of them is to study language data whose results are used for forensic purposes. As a field of linguistics that is linked to upholding justice, forensic linguistics simply provides signs that can reveal the truth that will lead to justice. However, the contribution of forensic linguistics is not to make justice, but rather to provide material for obtaining justice. With a focus on studies in forensic linguistics, this paper presents at least three main points. Firstly, it shows the boundaries of studies carried out in forensic linguistics and the analytical methods commonly used in forensic studies. Secondly, it presents a number of studies of forensic linguistics in Indonesia. Thirdly, it describes several cases the writer has been involved in as a linguist witness and his involvement in language competence training for investigators in the police.


forensic linguistics; contribution; law enforcement; justice

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