Suwardi Endraswara


Tulisan ini mencoba membaca gaya hidup the life of stage yang berarti bahwa kehidupan sosiokultural seperti sebuah pertunjukan drama. Drama kehidupan lebih bebas diekspresikan sastrawan Jawa melalui tradisi lisan. Life of stage muncul melalui (1) transfigurasi, (2) transposisi, (3) transmisi, dan (4) transendensi. Empat hal tersebut melahirkan the aneh dalam tradisi lisan. The aneh merupakan
perwujudan dari empat ragam tradisi lisan: (a) parodial, (b) paradoksal, (c) anekdotsal, dan (d) transendental. Dari empat jalur dan ragam tradisi lisan di atas, gaya hidup life of stage mempengaruhi munculnya tradisi lisan dan sebaliknya. Dalam perspektif sosiologi sastra, kehidupan dan sastra selalu berubah. Pengaruh resiprokal yang timbul berhubungan antara satu dengan yang lain. Gaya
hidup erotis, curang, dan menggairahkan sengaja diungkapkan secara estetik oleh sastrawan lisan.

Kata kunci: gaya hidup, life of stage, the aneh, tradisi lisan


This paper attempts to study the life of stage’s lifestyle which means that socio-cultural life looks like a drama performance. The life drama is more freely expressed by the Javanese litterateurs through oral tradition. The life of stage process emerges in four ways, i.e.: (1) transfiguration, (2) transposition, (3) transmission, and (4) transcendence. Those express the aneh in oral tradition. The aneh is the manifestation of four kinds of oral traditions: (a) parody, (b) paradoxical, (c) anecdote, and (d) transcendental. From those four expressions and kinds of oral tradition, the life of stage’s lifestyle affects the emergence of oral tradition, and vice versa. In the perspective of literary sociology, life and literature always change. The reciprocal influence between them is related one to another. The erotic, unfair, and seductive lifestyles are intentionally aesthetically expressed by the oral litterateurs.

Keywords: lifestyle, life of stage, the aneh, oral tradition

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