Irma Manda Negara


This study aims to describe the accuracy of the learning media used by students when implementing teaching practices. The purpose of the implementation is to provide provisions to students before conducting internship. This research used a descriptive approach, using purposive sampling in selecting research subjects which adjust to the research objectives. The data collection technique used a classroom observation checklist with a guttman scale conducted by the observer. With the answer choices "yes" has a score of 1 and "no" has a score of 0. Material that is applied in the implementation of teaching practice is learning English for all levels of education. From the research results obtained from five groups based on predetermined learning methods, there are two groups of methods that fall into the category of "very appropriate" namely the silentway method and the SLT method. The TPR method group is included in the "appropriate" category. The lingual audio method and the SLT method group fall into the "inappropriate" category. This is because students are more focused on the application of learning methods, so students do not use learning media at all. It can be concluded that the role of learning media is so important, because it can display the visualization of an object. So that helps in increasing understanding, especially for the introduction of new vocabulary.


Learning Media; English Language Learning; Teaching Practice

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