The relationship of professional goals and the readiness in acquiring foreign language among advertising students: basis for foreign language training

Jerielyn V. Reyes


The present study aims to determine the relationship of professional goals and readiness of advertising students in learning foreign language to be the basis for foreign language training.  This study also aims to identify the preferred teaching method for studying foreign language and the ASEAN native language that they are interested to learn. The descriptive research involved 157 first year advertising students from the Polytechnic University of the Philippines through a survey.  After the data gathering and statistical treatment of data, it was found out that the respondents’ aspiration falls on material security and their multicultural aspiration is towards deeper understanding on other people.  The respondents expressed the readiness to learn foreign language to better understand the values, ideals, and assumption in life of their foreign counterparts.  Grammar translation approach was preferred for learning the language and the most preferred ASEAN native language are Mandarin, Chinese, Thai, and Bahasa Indonesia.


Polytechnic University of the Philippines Open University; Advertising; professional goals; Bahasa Indonesia.

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