Analisis genre dan APPRAISAL tulisan eksposisi pemelajar bahasa Indonesia bagi penutur asing

Ayu Dwi Nastiti, Harni Kartika-Ningsih


This study aims to examine the writing organization and the evaluative meaning produced by BIPA students’ in their exposition essay. This study employs a qualitative approach with discourse analysis method. The data were drawn from selected essays composed by BIPA students in intermediate level at a formal institution outside Indonesia. This study used genre theory and APPRAISAL to examine the students’ essays. Genre theory (Martin and Rose, 2008) served as a framework to analyze potential generic stages of the data, whereas APPRAISAL, specifically attitudinal meaning, (Martin dan White, 2005) was used to identify the evaluative meanings in the data. This study indicates several findings. First, learners have established positions and arguments; however, their written works have not been well-structured. Second, the predominant utilization of evaluative meaning leans towards negative APPRECIATION, particularly within the argumentation stage. These findings suggest the need for teachers to teach generic structure and evaluative meaning explicitly.



BIPA teaching; genre analysis; APPRAISAL; discourse analysis; exposition


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